The Ensemble patches in the CineSymphony libraries include two powerful features in addition to the Hairpin Creator: the Instrument Range selector knobs, and the Chord Arranger. The Ensemble patches have these features instead of the Adaptive Legato engine.
These features debuted with the CineSymphony LITE library, and this functionality now exists in the Ensemble Articulations patches for CineBrass, CineStrings, and CineWinds CORE libraries.
Instrument Ranges
Using the knobs in the Instrument Ranges section, you can change the point at which the instrument within the Ensemble will take over. The Overlap Range dropdown menu lets you choose in semitones how many notes from the surrounding instruments/sections in the Ensemble will be available to play in that range. This will also apply a crossfade between the sections, as you get further away from the note selected on the knob. In the example listed, with the Violas set at Eb2, the Violins set at C4, and 5 semitones of Overlap, there will be both Cello and Viola samples playing between Bb1 and Eb2 as well as up to Ab2, and Viola and Violin I + II samples playing from C4 down to G3 and up to E4
On the lower end, notes closer to Bb1 will have more of the Cello samples than Viola, and as the range transitions from Viola to Violins the balance will shift as you get farther into that instrument's range. This creates a smoother effect of sweeping lines up and down a string section without an abrupt change from one instrument to another.
Chord Arranger
The Chord Arranger automatically adjusts the density of ensemble chords, by assigning notes to the voices within the ensemble that have that note within their playable range.
There are four options: Disabled, Light, Medium, and Heavy.
With the Light option selected, the minimum number of available instruments will play.
On Medium, two available sections/instruments will play that note.
With the Heavy Chord Arranger enabled, every instrument that has a note available in their range within the Ensemble (as defined by the Instrument Ranges knobs) will play.
For example, a three-note chord played on the Strings Ensemble patch in the range that is available for the Cellos, Violas, and Violins will hear all three instruments play all three notes, if the Heavy option is selected; whereas if Light is selected, the Chord Arranger will assign the bottom note to the Cellos only, the middle note to Violas, and the top note to Violins.
This gives you a lot of flexibility and control over the sound of the size of the ensemble. Combine this with the Hairpin Creator tool for some very powerful results!
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